The project “Playful spaces: voice, body and city” aims to open new expressive territories for the general public, both individually and collectively, by promoting artistic events in which space for reflection, creation and free play is created – elements that we consider essential in development, innovation and well-being. The multitude of events programmed within the project aims to transform cultural and alternative spaces in a way that tames and humanizes them, in which access is easy for the general public and artists alike.

Playful spaces: voice, body and the city was developed by Indie Box, co-financed by the City Hall of Bucharest ( through ARCUB (, as part of the Bucharest 2022:227 and Reunion Programs

★ 3 existing productions presented to the Bucharest public (Capilar@AREAL, moving [m]others @ARCUB, Danstopic360 @AREAL)
★ 4 sesiuni de mișcare creativă pentru părinți și copii
★ 4 sessions of creative workshops for children
★ 4 meetings with the Feldenkrais method
★ 2 Free Dance sessions
★ 1 interactive Kablat concert to passers-by
★ 1 interactive Kablat concert at AREAL
★ 1 interactive exhibition that brought together 7 works
★ 1 interdisciplinary laboratory

We build spaces and contexts that welcome children and adults alike with open arms, that offer them options to connect with their own body, their own voice and their own imagination, that (re)open their appetite for play.

COLLECTIVE RESEARCH LABORATORY – Extended Singing Bodies coordinated by Denis Bolborea was structured in two main parts: creative work with the voice, body and space, inspired by the Singing Bodies methodology and the development of specific new content – individually, in groups or collectively, based on the dialogue between the body, voice, technology, poetry.

They participated: Denis Bolborea – Artistic Director, Dorin Cuciov – Audio-visual installation specialist, Mugur Grosu – Poet, Konrad Mihat – cultural producer and Cătălin Munteanu – photo-video artist.

The interdisciplinary laboratory built around the Singing Bodies concept came up with a proposal for kinesthetic exploration of inner and outer musicality through a poetic connection with one’s bones and tissues, with a focus on tracking and embodying different soundscapes. Starting from one’s own voice and one’s ability to listen, one worked with the shapes of the surrounding sounds and speculated on the texture of those that cannot be heard, but are present: the inner music, the music of the other, the music of the space.

The final opening included the presentation of the interactive installations developed within the interdisciplinary laboratory.

1. Knights of the sound table (touch interactive sound fruit table)

2. Sensitive string (touch-sound interactive plasticine)

3. Mirror mirror (movement interactive video installation)

4. The word buffet (magnetic word board)

5. Interior tours (audio guide)

Two more previously produced interactive experiences were exhibited at the opening, namely:

6. Danstopic letters

7. Danstopic 360

“AREAL’s interactive installations are tools for approaching and mutual discovery of those who try to interact with them. Music, dance, image, or poetry thus become a good opportunity to make users/participants aware of their sensory mechanisms – hearing, touch, movement, and sight. Perhaps the most important aspect is that all these installations of so-called critical knowledge/self-knowledge through art have an important infantilizing, childish component that translates what appears to be a sophisticated experiment into spontaneous childish games.” – Besliu Alexandru Cristian, visitor

“The interactive installations stimulated all our senses, made us move, but also made us think. It’s good to come with a friend, everything becomes more connected. Very well made 360 ​​film. Thank you for the immersive experience!”– Oana Neagu, exhibition visitor

Creative movement workshop for parents and children

The project incorporates in a playful approach the diversity of possibilities of expression through body and voice and aims at a demystification of the artist and the creative process and a greater proximity of the general public to the freedom of expression in the urban and social environment.

Wired to AREAL

Photo credit: Cătălin Munteanu

Spații Ludice was developed by Indie Box, co-financed by Bucharest City Hall ( through ARCUB (, as part of the 2022-2020 Bucharest Program.

The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of Bucharest City Hall or ARCUB.

The project “Playful spaces: voice, body and city” aims to open new expressive territories for the general public, both individually and collectively, by promoting artistic events in which space for reflection, creation and free play is created – elements that we consider essential in development, innovation and well-being. The multitude of events programmed within the […]