Otilia Cadar about [m]others

During pregnancy, a woman’s instinctual nature awakens and becomes dominant. She feels the need to prepare for the big meeting. They are looking to find and build their nest. That almost sacred and untouchable place that will protect both the new creature and her. The moments during the birth lead the woman to a visceral and wild state, to then witness the unforgettable meeting between her and the baby.

This intense connection remains forever imprinted in the woman’s heart and psyche. This bond continues to develop and grow, and the instinctual nature is activated even more strongly, as the woman is forced to protect and nurture her child, thus becoming a witness to the miracle of self-change, in the woman-mother, as well as of the transformation and development of the newborn.

In the [m]others project I chose to tell symbolically, through painting, about the preparation before birth, namely about the NEST.

The main work is called The One Who Carries the Nest and it depicts a woman, like a queen, noble, strong and very determined, who carries the entire burden of the nest on her back without hesitation. She has a hurried pace, as time passes quickly, this being emphasized by the surrounding twilight. The grass is raw, and so is pregnancy, since it is only spring, but summer comes quickly and will ripen the fruit of the woman’s body without interruption. It will give birth to a new being with the coming of autumn.

For me, the images with a strong personal charge that I create help me to channel my energy in the beneficial direction that I want, and I feel that they produce the effects that I aspire to. Visualizing and creating these images has an almost shamanic role, of clarifying priorities, channeling energies, building the new, connecting with the deep self and even healing.

This project, [m]others, coincided with a new pregnancy in my life. A task that I consider miraculous and healing and which will end with the coming of autumn, through birth, in parallel with the project, which will be completed with an exhibition, where exclusively paintings made during this wonderful time of motherhood will be exhibited.


Article written by Otilia Cadar within the [m]others project.
Photo by Alina Ușurelu.

An Indie Box project. Cultural project co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration. The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.

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